Friday, 12 December 2014

Annotating print ads

    • What is the product?
      Nike trainers
    • What are they advertising?
      Their brand
    • What are they telling us about the product?
      A lot of effort and hard work from lots of people went into the shoe.
    • Is there a message in the advert?
      The shoe took a lot of work therefore it is very good quality.
    • Who is the advert meant for? (target audience)
      Sportive, stylish people from the younger generation
    • Do you think it reaches the correct target audience?
    • What type of advert is it? (humorous, informative, surreal, dramatic, realist – you may have to research these terms and define them to find out)
    • What do you think of the advert and do you think it works?

I think the advert does work well as I feel each individual shoe is made perfectly






    • What is the product?
      Volvo Car
    • What are they advertising?
      Their car company
    • What are they telling us about the product?
      Its family friendly, yet adventurous
    • Is there a message in the advert?
      Yes, The car is fantastic for both jobs
    • Who is the advert meant for? (target audience)
      Fathers as they are more adventurous but also need to consider their family
    • Do you think it reaches the correct target audience?
    • What type of advert is it? (humorous, informative, surreal, dramatic, realist – you may have to research these terms and define them to find out)
    • What do you think of the advert and do you think it works?
      I think the advert works as seeing the rubber duck makes me think of a child who left it there after an adventure with its family.